Let's face it, the average man enjoys pizza, red meat, beer, wings and other fried goods and probably consumes a good amount of one, if not all of these things. I fit the "love all of those things" category, and have a naturally massive build to begin with, so I'm faced with that question again: Should I go on a Guyet?
Then there's my insatiable appetite for ikeem. I just have a hankering for it after every meal, what can I say? I'll tell you what I can't say: "Boy I'd love some ice cream, but I'm counting my calories, so I better not." I would never stoop to that level, but I know in the back of my head that stuff like ikeem and D&D is killing any chance of me having Brad Pitt's physique in fight club. Speaking of getting beat up...
Why don't I exercise you're wondering? I do exercise, and am generally in really good shape despite my horrendous eating habits. The problem is that my body in recent months has been more injury prone than Tracy McGrady and Yao Ming combined. Got a bad ankle, a bad back, and a bad hand among other things, which makes it really difficult to achieve the adequate intensity of workout I go for. Not to mention my job currently is impeding my rehab big time since I pretty much work in a war zone.
All things considered, I think I will enjoy life and stay in moderately decent shape until further notice, but that time is coming. You don't stay young forever friend, and even those blessed with the most divine of metabolisms will feel the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle eventually.
On a side note, I'd like to say thanks to Eagles Defensive Coordinator Jim Johnson for all the blitzes and schemes that led to memorable plays and games. I may have never known much about him as a person, but I can certainly display my gratitude for being the brain behind some of the most fun Eagles games, and defenses, I've ever watched.