Monday, January 25, 2010

My "Sick" Day

Today is a Monday. I called in sick to work today. Was I actually sick enough to miss work? Absolutely not. Here's the thing though: After weighing the reasons I should and shouldn't go to work, the facts were overwhelmingly in favor of me calling out. I figured I should present them, so as to justify my decision.

1) I hate my job. Sure if everyone who hated their job called out of work on a reg, there wouldn't be many people ever making it to the office. But I'm still a student and this job is just an employment fling of sorts, therefore a day away doesn't affect my career. Add to that the fact that because I am an independent contractor, if anything happens to me on the job (broken arm, severed vein, mental meltdown) I'm the only one responsible. One day away from the job is one day less that I have to worry about physical/psychological scars. So there.

2) One of my favorite things in the world is a rainy day at home. One of my least favorite things in the world is going to work at a job I despise on a rainy. A rainy Monday going to work sets the week up for a miserable run. A rainy Monday at home shortens the week, and relaxes a person early on for any in-work "storms" that they may encounter during said abbreviated week. Let's not forget also that one of my favorite pastimes ever is sitting on my porch with my guitar, a book, breakfast, heck anything as long as I'm surrounded by the showery ambience. It's just the best. Niiiice.

3) My car has not fared too well in the rain lately, so why risk the slippery commute to Media. God forbid something would happen to my car, then I'd really be in trouble.

4) I start at the work study job today, so I will be contributing somewhat to society, and I'm going to be getting a head start on a lot of school work I have to do for the semester ahead. It's actually going to be a productive day, and one that will feature yours truly in a superb mood nonetheless.

5) Monday's with Desmond are awful. He usually has a freak out within 15 minutes of getting off his bus, causing me to make a mental pros and cons list where the evidence for leaving immediately is astounding. After I make the commitment to at least get through the day, it draaaaaaaags and draaaaaaaags since the class doesn't have much going on during a normal Monday. Tuesdays we have a lot of scheduled activities for the kids and the DevilDez, so the day goes by much faster.

6) I need some extra time to study who I like in this Colts-Saints Super Bowl matchup. My playoff picks have been more inaccurate than Donovan McNabb's career passes in clutch situations. (expect many references to Five in the months before Phillies season starts) I figure I will be able to read up on the teams and trends and actually make an intelligent selection for this year's big game. I am really excited for it, and still believe that the day after the Super Bowl should be a National holiday so that the 3% of the country that doesn't watch it will feel compelled to.

7) I spent a chunk of Conference Championship Sunday (second biggest week in the pro football season) working on a school project for a "Team Building" class, taught by an ex-sorority girl. A class in which I will at some point have to interview people involved with greek life for an intricate project we have to do on group oriented organizations. The thought that I will have this class for an entire semester induces easily more vommit than I spewed a few days ago when I legitimately was sick. The point is, if I'm putting in time on a Sunday for an absurd "class" while the NFL playoffs are on, I have to make up the hours somewhere. Enter rainy Monday...

8) Of course, the most important reason of all is this very entry. Hey, when the blog starts slacking you've got to at least attempt to get it back on track. I hope that Dez will see where I'm coming from and understand. If not, I hope that at least you will.