The fascinating thing about reality television is that it is just as reflective of its audience as fictional TV is. My girlfriend watches the show Gossip Girl, a program based on a hit series of books about an upper-class community’s drama-plagued and sex-crazed youth population. (SIDE NOTE: I understand it’s just an escape for her as TV/Movies are for many people, but the show is a perfect example of culture unfortunately being displayed in entertainment. And, the show is just a glorified soap opera for teens. The acting is atrocious, and the plotlines….ugh…but anyways…)
One show that was also sadly reflective of daily life was one of my favorites, The Wire. The show depicted inner-city Baltimore in every walk of life, from the hood rats, the police force and government, to the harbor life and educational system. The 2 driving forces behind the production of the show had worked in Baltimore in varying, yet always integral, capacities and brought what they saw to what they created on screen, making it so real you could swear it was a documentary on the city. The corruption of the politicians was so complete. The conditions of the schools were so heart-breaking. The police force was so jaded. (I asked my friend who recently joined the force if any TV program he had seen portrayed officers accurately. Without knowing I watched the show, he looked at me and asked, “Ever seen the Wire?’s like that.”) The quality of the inner city as a whole and overall mood of the show was so excruciatingly dark that a person would be under the impression that a place like this could not possibly exist. Still, underneath the show’s utter brilliance was the cold hard fact that the world within The Wire mirrored real life.

Acknowledging the incredible parallels between television and the “real world’ is more of a morale-demolisher than it is a revelation. There are still TV shows I enjoy, those that truly embody escapism. I am seeing, however, that the vast majority of programming is to close to a cruel reality I would probably rather not be viewing at all.
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