I'm going to make this puppy short and sweet. Not because I want to get right to an interesting main point, but because I want to get back to lounging without having to use my brain too much. You see thanks to my one-on-one Omar, I am now mentally and physically battered at the end of every weekday, which makes the blistering blogging pace I had in-semester completely impossible to maintain now.
Maybe it's just that I feel the pressure of me and Jamie's first gig coming up, so I've dedicated a lot of time that I would normally use blogging to jamming on the axe. It could be that I have stuffed my face with more Philly Flavors Water Ice and Ikeem than most would find socially acceptable.
The point is that in order to write I need inspiration and energy, and my summer thus far has left me in serious droughts on both fronts. I hope to start bringing the heat soon enough, but don't hold your breath. I'm still fairly new to this blog game, and from the look of things, its hiatus begins when the weather gets hot and the words become few.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
A day is always better...
when you order 10 hot wings and they give you 20. And only having a half day at a terrible job makes it better also. Hooray!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Heeeey, Must (Not) Be the Moneeeey
So I decided to get in a brief post, if for no other reason than the fact I've been completely negligent with posting the past week and change. Let me tell you one reason why...
I work during the summer with special needs kids. It's the greatest job I've ever had and ever will have in all likelihood. This summer I took on a one-on-one role in a classroom to make some money in between spring semester and the start of the Camp I work at every year. I found out quickly it's the exact opposite of my camp job. It's exhausting and frustrating to the Nth degree (whatever the heck that means, I don't know but I hear it sometimes) and the pay makes self-sustainability a distant dream. Still, if you're in this field, you don't do it for the money, you do it because you're making a difference in the lives of disadvantaged kids. The problem at this particular job is that their are zero fruits of labor with my kid. Maybe there will be at some point in the next 4 weeks, but the mere hope of that is not enough to keep me from finding the nearest exit and getting another temp position.
Since it's clearly not about the money, and in this situation it's not even about reward that comes within the work itself, then what is it? I think I may have found that answer today.
The staff at this unorganized mess of an organization is five-star. They're incredible. While I might be able to be making a couple bucks more elsewhere, a few of these people would make 10 bucks per hour more elsewhere. Now that's commitment, especially given some of the things they have to deal with at this place. And these staff have treated me like I saved their dog from a burning building, when really I just made their lives a bit easier by playing shadow to the most difficult child of the class. The crowning moment of their appreciation of my work happened as I was leaving today, the teacher, who bears a striking resemblance (looks and general persona) to many-a-diner waitress I've had in the past, had an eye-opening goodbye exchange with me. "Alright Hun," she said sincerely. "You did a great job today, don't know what we'd do without ya. Now go home and get some sleep. Lord knows we need you around, and at full-strength for tomorrow."
Now am I still on the fence about enduring the first half of summer at this place? Sure. But if it weren't for feeling like I was taking a load off of some other peoples' backs, I'd be a 100% goner. Now, I'm not writing this to build myself up, because I've been whining and complaining about my situation all week. I've been a huge baby about things for many different reasons. Still, the point remains, that you have to find some drive at your place of employment, and in most jobs these days, motivation is not synonymous with dollar signs.
I work during the summer with special needs kids. It's the greatest job I've ever had and ever will have in all likelihood. This summer I took on a one-on-one role in a classroom to make some money in between spring semester and the start of the Camp I work at every year. I found out quickly it's the exact opposite of my camp job. It's exhausting and frustrating to the Nth degree (whatever the heck that means, I don't know but I hear it sometimes) and the pay makes self-sustainability a distant dream. Still, if you're in this field, you don't do it for the money, you do it because you're making a difference in the lives of disadvantaged kids. The problem at this particular job is that their are zero fruits of labor with my kid. Maybe there will be at some point in the next 4 weeks, but the mere hope of that is not enough to keep me from finding the nearest exit and getting another temp position.
Since it's clearly not about the money, and in this situation it's not even about reward that comes within the work itself, then what is it? I think I may have found that answer today.
The staff at this unorganized mess of an organization is five-star. They're incredible. While I might be able to be making a couple bucks more elsewhere, a few of these people would make 10 bucks per hour more elsewhere. Now that's commitment, especially given some of the things they have to deal with at this place. And these staff have treated me like I saved their dog from a burning building, when really I just made their lives a bit easier by playing shadow to the most difficult child of the class. The crowning moment of their appreciation of my work happened as I was leaving today, the teacher, who bears a striking resemblance (looks and general persona) to many-a-diner waitress I've had in the past, had an eye-opening goodbye exchange with me. "Alright Hun," she said sincerely. "You did a great job today, don't know what we'd do without ya. Now go home and get some sleep. Lord knows we need you around, and at full-strength for tomorrow."
Now am I still on the fence about enduring the first half of summer at this place? Sure. But if it weren't for feeling like I was taking a load off of some other peoples' backs, I'd be a 100% goner. Now, I'm not writing this to build myself up, because I've been whining and complaining about my situation all week. I've been a huge baby about things for many different reasons. Still, the point remains, that you have to find some drive at your place of employment, and in most jobs these days, motivation is not synonymous with dollar signs.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Ideas for DJ's Blog
Today I shamelessly checked my blog for new comments (yes, I am that needy apparently) and saw one from Dan Josh. His comment was, not to my surprise, money in the bank. That's especially important because good comments can push a decent entry to excellence. But anyhow, I started thinking about his involvement with the blogosphere and how I always hound him to post more so I have stuff to read while I'm at Da Lab working. I decided making a list of possible post topics may inspire him to write up a freshy.
1)The Best/Worst Ideas for Fantasy Team Names
After getting lambasted for my old fantasy team name, "Ry for Ry", he laid the abuse on Jake for "Chase-ing Utley", which I actually think isn't bad for the record. But the man always has something to say about whatever your team name is, so this subject would be a potentially good post.
2)A List of the Best Lyricists of all time
I created quite a stir by once calling Eminem a "top-3 lyricist all time" on my personal list. He could make a top-10 or 20 or however many he wanted to illustrate the point that Eminem should not be even close to the top. Then I could make a counter-post about my top-10 and he would be so outraged it would lead to yet another post, getting his blog really rolling.
3)An Idiots guide to Hockey (and/or the NHL)
The kid may know more about the sport than all the hockey analysts on ESPN and WIP combined, which actually wouldn't say too much...but trust me, he knows a fair amount. I would say that the average American is pretty ignorant on the ins and outs of the game. I would even go so far as to say that the average sports fan is not as versed in the rules and rosters as they could be. This would be a nice building block post also.
4)Thoughts on Marriage at Our Age
D has more close friends getting tied up in the near future, or even presently in the state, than anyone on the planet. He could provide valuable insights on early- 20s nuptial behavior. The Ups and Downs of finding that special someone, and the changes that occur in the transition from pre-ring exchange to post.
5)Co-Author "Knights Out at Bars"
He could join me in my niche-blog I hope to start about DC graduate life, "Knights Out at Bars." We both have stayed pretty in-the-loop with big events that have happened since out 2004 Commencement. Plus we are 2 of Tom Houghton's finest, and he would clearly give us a plug in the school newspaper "Knight Life," no doubt opening the door to countless Newtown Square writing opportunities.
On a side note, unrelated to the bulk of today's subject matter, I can never seem to escape facebook's mind control of people my age. Bah, nevermind, I am deciding to avoid a rant and save myself the wasted time. Life's to short to be big-time bothered by little-time annoyances. I'm going to stick to the real issues. Like Little Gherkin's blog. Done and done.
1)The Best/Worst Ideas for Fantasy Team Names
After getting lambasted for my old fantasy team name, "Ry for Ry", he laid the abuse on Jake for "Chase-ing Utley", which I actually think isn't bad for the record. But the man always has something to say about whatever your team name is, so this subject would be a potentially good post.
2)A List of the Best Lyricists of all time
I created quite a stir by once calling Eminem a "top-3 lyricist all time" on my personal list. He could make a top-10 or 20 or however many he wanted to illustrate the point that Eminem should not be even close to the top. Then I could make a counter-post about my top-10 and he would be so outraged it would lead to yet another post, getting his blog really rolling.
3)An Idiots guide to Hockey (and/or the NHL)
The kid may know more about the sport than all the hockey analysts on ESPN and WIP combined, which actually wouldn't say too much...but trust me, he knows a fair amount. I would say that the average American is pretty ignorant on the ins and outs of the game. I would even go so far as to say that the average sports fan is not as versed in the rules and rosters as they could be. This would be a nice building block post also.
4)Thoughts on Marriage at Our Age
D has more close friends getting tied up in the near future, or even presently in the state, than anyone on the planet. He could provide valuable insights on early- 20s nuptial behavior. The Ups and Downs of finding that special someone, and the changes that occur in the transition from pre-ring exchange to post.
5)Co-Author "Knights Out at Bars"
He could join me in my niche-blog I hope to start about DC graduate life, "Knights Out at Bars." We both have stayed pretty in-the-loop with big events that have happened since out 2004 Commencement. Plus we are 2 of Tom Houghton's finest, and he would clearly give us a plug in the school newspaper "Knight Life," no doubt opening the door to countless Newtown Square writing opportunities.
On a side note, unrelated to the bulk of today's subject matter, I can never seem to escape facebook's mind control of people my age. Bah, nevermind, I am deciding to avoid a rant and save myself the wasted time. Life's to short to be big-time bothered by little-time annoyances. I'm going to stick to the real issues. Like Little Gherkin's blog. Done and done.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Sunday Realizations
Just a few realizations that have arisen on this lovely Sunday...
--The love/hate relationship I have with my in-semester job is starting to weigh in heavier on the "hate" side lately. This entire situation is a bi-product of me needing to get out of school really badly. The only reason I work in this dorm building 2/3 of the year is that I would be a complete idiot not to. If someone says, listen I'll let you get all your homework and workouts completed for the week and pay you hourly for it, you don't pass on the offer. The actual annoyances I face in the biz (and by "biz" i mean the world of financial aid students doing work-study jobs part time) are nothing compared to the benefits it gives me in the time management department of mi vida. I just need to be putting one of my skills to use full-time. And dealing with aggravating college students and computer technology doesn't even crack my top 20 list of things I am awesome at. Time management may however, which is probably why I'm still in this joint...but that's another story.
--I was called out this weekend at a bar for "looking disinterested." The funniest thing about the situation was that I legitimately got excited because that's exactly how I was feeling. Disinterested. It was the perfect word to describe my feelings on bars as of late, and it made me happy that this adjective was whipped out at just the right moment.
--I'm older than the phenom athletes entering the pros nowadays. Not a new realization, but one that becomes more glaring as the days pass
--I'm a despicable human being. As much as you think that sentence was typed for affect, it was also the basis of this particular realization. My Dad has a theory (which I don't think he invented, but if he did, he's more of a genius than he gets credit for) that the more people read, the more aware they become of how much they actually don't know. Whereas, those who don't care to read/learn much think they have the world all figured out. The more you know the more you are clued in that you really have no idea. Anyways, what I've been realizing recently is that the more I battle certain sins in my life the more I realize how hideous of a person I actually am. When you're living in sin, your support system is based on justifications. For instance, I'd say stuff like "Well, everyone's got struggles," or "it could be worse, at least I'm not doing (insert unspeakably awful crime that may warrant capital punishment)and on occasion I am doing (insert small good thing)"...something to that affect. But the more I face my faults and think about forgiveness the more aware I become of how much I do not deserve the mercy that Christ offers. The metaphor of light is so spot-on because of what it does to the ugliest portions of yourself once exposed. But it's getting late, and I'm beginning to preach a bit here...still, Ryan=flawed individual who does not deserve to be chosen for a pick-up hoops game, let alone the Kingdom of God. Always feels right to recognize...
--I'm an absolute embarrassment for not going to the most public place in center city and busting out some songs on the 6-string. To feel hesitant to do this because of some subconscious fear of public judgment is as illogical as it is uncharacteristic of my personality. I am knocking this off my to-do list ASAP, even if that means bringing a photographer to produce visual confirmation it occurred.
--That's actually a fantastic idea for another blog entry...Realization Sunday at its best folks
Have a swell week beautiful.
--The love/hate relationship I have with my in-semester job is starting to weigh in heavier on the "hate" side lately. This entire situation is a bi-product of me needing to get out of school really badly. The only reason I work in this dorm building 2/3 of the year is that I would be a complete idiot not to. If someone says, listen I'll let you get all your homework and workouts completed for the week and pay you hourly for it, you don't pass on the offer. The actual annoyances I face in the biz (and by "biz" i mean the world of financial aid students doing work-study jobs part time) are nothing compared to the benefits it gives me in the time management department of mi vida. I just need to be putting one of my skills to use full-time. And dealing with aggravating college students and computer technology doesn't even crack my top 20 list of things I am awesome at. Time management may however, which is probably why I'm still in this joint...but that's another story.
--I was called out this weekend at a bar for "looking disinterested." The funniest thing about the situation was that I legitimately got excited because that's exactly how I was feeling. Disinterested. It was the perfect word to describe my feelings on bars as of late, and it made me happy that this adjective was whipped out at just the right moment.
--I'm older than the phenom athletes entering the pros nowadays. Not a new realization, but one that becomes more glaring as the days pass
--I'm a despicable human being. As much as you think that sentence was typed for affect, it was also the basis of this particular realization. My Dad has a theory (which I don't think he invented, but if he did, he's more of a genius than he gets credit for) that the more people read, the more aware they become of how much they actually don't know. Whereas, those who don't care to read/learn much think they have the world all figured out. The more you know the more you are clued in that you really have no idea. Anyways, what I've been realizing recently is that the more I battle certain sins in my life the more I realize how hideous of a person I actually am. When you're living in sin, your support system is based on justifications. For instance, I'd say stuff like "Well, everyone's got struggles," or "it could be worse, at least I'm not doing (insert unspeakably awful crime that may warrant capital punishment)and on occasion I am doing (insert small good thing)"...something to that affect. But the more I face my faults and think about forgiveness the more aware I become of how much I do not deserve the mercy that Christ offers. The metaphor of light is so spot-on because of what it does to the ugliest portions of yourself once exposed. But it's getting late, and I'm beginning to preach a bit here...still, Ryan=flawed individual who does not deserve to be chosen for a pick-up hoops game, let alone the Kingdom of God. Always feels right to recognize...
--I'm an absolute embarrassment for not going to the most public place in center city and busting out some songs on the 6-string. To feel hesitant to do this because of some subconscious fear of public judgment is as illogical as it is uncharacteristic of my personality. I am knocking this off my to-do list ASAP, even if that means bringing a photographer to produce visual confirmation it occurred.
--That's actually a fantastic idea for another blog entry...Realization Sunday at its best folks
Have a swell week beautiful.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Things I Don't Trust (Part 3)
If you need to get caught up on the previous portions of this list, the links are posted below.
Part 1 - http://ryforry.blogspot.com/2009/01/things-i-dont-trust.html
Part 2 - http://ryforry.blogspot.com/2009/02/things-i-dont-trust-part-2.html
Anyways, on to part 3....
13) The French
My Uncle married a French woman. She is lovely, and I'm happy my Mom's bro could find someone to procreate with. That said, she certainly would not understand the humor behind this blog, or more specifically, this particular portion of my post ripping her people. Come to think of it, I'm not sure there are that many chuckles behind it at all. A lot of things widely accepted by French culture don't sit well with me for some reason. The whole "individuality" idea is taken to a degree that's even worse than it is in America. Discipline seems to be developing into a foreign concept as well over there, but I'll refrain from giving personal experience with the issue, so as not to get a permanent ban from family get-togethers. Although that may not be a bad thing given the general food situation there. Exhibit 1: Mexican Meatloaf....but yea anyways...then there's the country's stance on supporting convicted cop-killers, something I will address later as well. The following link concerns this fact. Careful, it may cause every symptom you would ever need Pepto-Bismol to aid. It is posted, however, because it more aptly represents the French than any mere notion of the culture they breed. Read at your own risk:
And while we're on the subject of unbelievably nauseating things...
14) Septum Piercing
Let me preface this segment by saying "you're welcome" for deciding not to put a picture up to illustrate my point. It would be cruel and unusual to do that to a reader like you....A friend and I once came to the conclusion that if the most attractive girl in the entire universe got a septum ring she would become instantly hideous. We'd seen it happen before with girls we knew, and could not fathom why this heinous fashion "statement" was ever adopted by someone of their own free will. I get it, you're unique. You're "your own individual."(By the way, I love it that whenever people go on about being "their own person" or some idiotic rant about individuality and they end up just falling into this cliche that, ironically, makes them part of the crowd) You're making an artistic statement. That's great, really. But getting a pull-up bar inserted between your nostrils is unsettling. So much so that it almost violates the freedom of a fellow man to pursue happiness. Just one man's opinion...
15) Supporters of Convicted Cop-Killers
Thanks to the link I posted with #13, you got an idea of this category already. Filmmaker Tigre Hill is doing a documentary, "The Barrel of a Gun" about Mumia Abu-Jamal, the man who executed officer Daniel Faulkner almost 3 decades ago. I really am looking forward to seeing it, because I hear it will be most extensively and objectively reported research on the saga that seems to never die. It just never ceases to amaze me how ignorant people can be sometimes. People want something to rally around, or be angry (and anti-establishment) at, so they decide that a convicted cop killer is the best way to get their mission of foolishness accomplished. Mumia may have supporters on Earth, where man is inherently sinful and corrupt, and he may even escape his sentence of death, I don't know. But ultimately he will be divinely judged for his actions. Just like everyone else for that matter. But I digress...
16) Printers/Photocopiers
On a lighter note, I work in a computer lab, and these machines consistently annoy me to no end. I can never trust them to work properly for more than a few hours at a time. There's always something new wrong, and often times they go haywire when you need them to work most. Technology may be advancing, but so are the problems that come with new gadgetry. It's safe to say I will be happy when I don't have to deal with complicated machines breaking down anymore.
17) White People Who Can Dance...Well
Maybe this one is just jealousy, I don't know. Ya know what, it's not jealousy, I wouldn't trade my horribly awkward moves for all the Justin Timberlake-like skill in the world. I think white people who are incredibly gifted on the dance floor have some sort of deal with the devil going on. That, or they're completely inept at some other extremely significant aspect of life. I like my steak medium rare and my white dancing medium uncomfortable. When either one is not how it should be, life gets frustrating. Oh, and while we're on this subject, memo to all white girls: Shaking your booty repeatedly in skanky fashion when you're on the dance flo' does not make you a good dancer. It makes you pregnant. Or something like that...
Have an outstanding weekend reader! I will leave you with a Cake quote, for no other reason than I have been on a crazy Cake kick in recent weeks. And their lyrics are the bomb.
"I want a girl who gets up early
I want a girl who stays up late
I want a girl with uninterrupted prosperity
Who uses a machette to cut through red tape"
Part 1 - http://ryforry.blogspot.com/2009/01/things-i-dont-trust.html
Part 2 - http://ryforry.blogspot.com/2009/02/things-i-dont-trust-part-2.html
Anyways, on to part 3....
13) The French
My Uncle married a French woman. She is lovely, and I'm happy my Mom's bro could find someone to procreate with. That said, she certainly would not understand the humor behind this blog, or more specifically, this particular portion of my post ripping her people. Come to think of it, I'm not sure there are that many chuckles behind it at all. A lot of things widely accepted by French culture don't sit well with me for some reason. The whole "individuality" idea is taken to a degree that's even worse than it is in America. Discipline seems to be developing into a foreign concept as well over there, but I'll refrain from giving personal experience with the issue, so as not to get a permanent ban from family get-togethers. Although that may not be a bad thing given the general food situation there. Exhibit 1: Mexican Meatloaf....but yea anyways...then there's the country's stance on supporting convicted cop-killers, something I will address later as well. The following link concerns this fact. Careful, it may cause every symptom you would ever need Pepto-Bismol to aid. It is posted, however, because it more aptly represents the French than any mere notion of the culture they breed. Read at your own risk:
And while we're on the subject of unbelievably nauseating things...
14) Septum Piercing
Let me preface this segment by saying "you're welcome" for deciding not to put a picture up to illustrate my point. It would be cruel and unusual to do that to a reader like you....A friend and I once came to the conclusion that if the most attractive girl in the entire universe got a septum ring she would become instantly hideous. We'd seen it happen before with girls we knew, and could not fathom why this heinous fashion "statement" was ever adopted by someone of their own free will. I get it, you're unique. You're "your own individual."(By the way, I love it that whenever people go on about being "their own person" or some idiotic rant about individuality and they end up just falling into this cliche that, ironically, makes them part of the crowd) You're making an artistic statement. That's great, really. But getting a pull-up bar inserted between your nostrils is unsettling. So much so that it almost violates the freedom of a fellow man to pursue happiness. Just one man's opinion...
15) Supporters of Convicted Cop-Killers
Thanks to the link I posted with #13, you got an idea of this category already. Filmmaker Tigre Hill is doing a documentary, "The Barrel of a Gun" about Mumia Abu-Jamal, the man who executed officer Daniel Faulkner almost 3 decades ago. I really am looking forward to seeing it, because I hear it will be most extensively and objectively reported research on the saga that seems to never die. It just never ceases to amaze me how ignorant people can be sometimes. People want something to rally around, or be angry (and anti-establishment) at, so they decide that a convicted cop killer is the best way to get their mission of foolishness accomplished. Mumia may have supporters on Earth, where man is inherently sinful and corrupt, and he may even escape his sentence of death, I don't know. But ultimately he will be divinely judged for his actions. Just like everyone else for that matter. But I digress...
16) Printers/Photocopiers
On a lighter note, I work in a computer lab, and these machines consistently annoy me to no end. I can never trust them to work properly for more than a few hours at a time. There's always something new wrong, and often times they go haywire when you need them to work most. Technology may be advancing, but so are the problems that come with new gadgetry. It's safe to say I will be happy when I don't have to deal with complicated machines breaking down anymore.
17) White People Who Can Dance...Well
Maybe this one is just jealousy, I don't know. Ya know what, it's not jealousy, I wouldn't trade my horribly awkward moves for all the Justin Timberlake-like skill in the world. I think white people who are incredibly gifted on the dance floor have some sort of deal with the devil going on. That, or they're completely inept at some other extremely significant aspect of life. I like my steak medium rare and my white dancing medium uncomfortable. When either one is not how it should be, life gets frustrating. Oh, and while we're on this subject, memo to all white girls: Shaking your booty repeatedly in skanky fashion when you're on the dance flo' does not make you a good dancer. It makes you pregnant. Or something like that...
Have an outstanding weekend reader! I will leave you with a Cake quote, for no other reason than I have been on a crazy Cake kick in recent weeks. And their lyrics are the bomb.
"I want a girl who gets up early
I want a girl who stays up late
I want a girl with uninterrupted prosperity
Who uses a machette to cut through red tape"
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Kodak Momentless
I've been in withdrawal recently, and I'm embarrassed to say that it's facebook-related. No, it's not because I miss informing people of the most mundane aspects of my life through the status bar. They have twitter for that nowadays. (I know it's early for a tangent, but for some reason I have a twitter account even though I have yet to figure out where the appeal is in "tweeting." It's a glorified facebook status site. I just don't get it) It's not because I miss receiving updates on people's relationship status, although I will say that it's hilarious seeing all the fresh male wallposts on the page of a female who recently became single. It's not even the ignorance I feel about friends' birthdays that makes me miss facebook. It's one thing, and one thing only...
I am kodak momentless.
I don't know how to get my pix fix nowadays. You could speak fifty-thousand words to me detailing a trip that you just returned from, or I could check out the 50-photo album and be just as filled in. A picture is still worth a thousand words right? I wasn't aware if that particular exchange rate was affected by the troubled economic times we're living in. Assuming it's not, I've been expending much more energy these days by my lack of picture distribution and consumption. My digital camera is collecting dust in my room and kodak moments are being missed on a daily basis. Maybe they're not being completely missed, because I still have the mental image. But how long is that going to last? Plus those are pretty difficult to show friends and family.
So here I sit, eating pickles out of a jar, blogging in sweatpants and a Flyers jersey, 49 hours removed from my last shower and probably 49 days removed from my last camera usage. It's a pathetic image. I'll go ahead and shower while you're trying to picture it.
I am kodak momentless.
I don't know how to get my pix fix nowadays. You could speak fifty-thousand words to me detailing a trip that you just returned from, or I could check out the 50-photo album and be just as filled in. A picture is still worth a thousand words right? I wasn't aware if that particular exchange rate was affected by the troubled economic times we're living in. Assuming it's not, I've been expending much more energy these days by my lack of picture distribution and consumption. My digital camera is collecting dust in my room and kodak moments are being missed on a daily basis. Maybe they're not being completely missed, because I still have the mental image. But how long is that going to last? Plus those are pretty difficult to show friends and family.
So here I sit, eating pickles out of a jar, blogging in sweatpants and a Flyers jersey, 49 hours removed from my last shower and probably 49 days removed from my last camera usage. It's a pathetic image. I'll go ahead and shower while you're trying to picture it.
Monday, May 4, 2009
17-Minute Man
So I busted out my first of 2 tests today in 17 minutes. It was a collegiate level
final exam, and it was over in 17 minutes. Not that I'm complaining. Far from it. I didn't even rush the process at all, just took my sweet old time. And what do ya know, the semester's over. (One of the questions on the 17-minuter was who plays Left Field for the Philadelphia Phillies. And it was a legitimate "current events" question for the class. Man, I can't believe how incredible Raul has been. Correction, I can believe it, I'm just in shock that it translated into classroom success for the author of this blog)
This was probably my best semester at Temple U, and that's saying something, considering I've already done a few peoples' shares of years in college. It was also my best, which is ironic for a few reasons.
First off, it came on the heels of my journalism professor confirming what I already thought to be true: Grades mean nothing in the big scheme of employment. Maybe in certain circumstances it's nice to tote your accomplishments, but who the heck cares that you got an "A" in Intro to World Religions if you're applying for a managerial position at a company.
Secondly, I had a mid-semester break-up, which is never a walk in the park, and can be an enormous distraction, especially when you're dealing with crap in school you don't care about to begin with. The last split I had in-semester was devastating. Granted, that girl was certifiably insane. Still, the point is that I'm glad this one went well, and am still shocked that I had my best semester in spite of it.
So anyhow, school's out for summer!!!!! Aaaah, that feeling never ages, even if I do...

This was probably my best semester at Temple U, and that's saying something, considering I've already done a few peoples' shares of years in college. It was also my best, which is ironic for a few reasons.
First off, it came on the heels of my journalism professor confirming what I already thought to be true: Grades mean nothing in the big scheme of employment. Maybe in certain circumstances it's nice to tote your accomplishments, but who the heck cares that you got an "A" in Intro to World Religions if you're applying for a managerial position at a company.
Secondly, I had a mid-semester break-up, which is never a walk in the park, and can be an enormous distraction, especially when you're dealing with crap in school you don't care about to begin with. The last split I had in-semester was devastating. Granted, that girl was certifiably insane. Still, the point is that I'm glad this one went well, and am still shocked that I had my best semester in spite of it.
So anyhow, school's out for summer!!!!! Aaaah, that feeling never ages, even if I do...
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down
I'm pretty sure that I write more or less the same kind of post at least once a week. It always features the good and bad portions of my recent life happenings. So allow me to give you the latest version on this rainy Sunday as I present my Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down column.
Thumbs Up: To the Tom Jones trip that Scotty and I took in the wee hours of Sunday Morning. I got a vanilla milkshake and a grilled cheese with tomato, in case you were wondering. It was worth the inane amount of driving I did and the sleep deprivation to take a trip not merely to the Diner, but to Nostalgiaville also.
Thumbs Down: To allergy season, which has reaked havoc on my nose, eyes, head, ears, brain...you name it. It's just a brutal time of year to be breathing.
Thumbs Up: Jamie's band, "Whoever Shows Up", was really good last night, and beating the 5 dollar cover for the show by three minutes was really clutch.
Thumbs Down: To Casey's, the pub where Jamie's show took place. Although the layout of the place was nice, the post-special prices were awful, one of the bartenders was giving me attitude for absolutely no reason, and after already getting overcharged, me and a friend got stuck paying for drinks that we (or anyone for that matter) did not receive.
TANGENT: Why I even go to bars anymore is a mystery. I hate the scene and I'm not trying to make new friends/find new female prospects in that atmosphere, I have no desire to get sloppy, and the prices, even with specials most of the time, are ridiculous. Last night was okay because it was to support a friend, but outside of such circumstances, count me out.
Thumbs Up: To Mrs. Val "Big V" Wright, not only for her faithful readership, but additionally for opening the blog up to a new demographic. Parent? Check. Trendsetter? Check.
Thumbs Down: To myself, for failing to drop her name in a half-dozen posts after promising her I would. Way to alienate the consumer Ry. Tisk, tisk.
Thumbs Down: To the small group who decided Friday night on DJ's deck to start the cereal draft while about 6 people who really wanted in on the event weren't present to participate...including, might I add, the people who thought up the idea to begin with.
Thumbs Up: To that same group, who realizing the error in their ways announced that it was just a mock draft, so as to avoid a war of words and cereal.
Thumbs Down: To final exams, which typically are spread out in such a way that I would have 2 weeks of school to worry about what amounts to 3-4 hours of test-taking time.
Thumbs Up: To my final exams this semester. First off, I only have 2 classes to take final exams for. Add to this the fact that I'm knocking both of those bad boys off in the respective professors' offices tomorrow afternoon, and whammy! I'm completely done school May 4th, while some students have finals as late as May 13th this year! Extremely money situation=Thumbs way up.

And, as always...
Thumbs Down: To radical liberal thinking, and
Thumbs Up: To ryforry.blogspot.com
(Editor's Note: Ryan was expelled immediately following Temple University Officials' discovery of his latest Sunday evening blog)
Thumbs Up: To the Tom Jones trip that Scotty and I took in the wee hours of Sunday Morning. I got a vanilla milkshake and a grilled cheese with tomato, in case you were wondering. It was worth the inane amount of driving I did and the sleep deprivation to take a trip not merely to the Diner, but to Nostalgiaville also.
Thumbs Down: To allergy season, which has reaked havoc on my nose, eyes, head, ears, brain...you name it. It's just a brutal time of year to be breathing.
Thumbs Up: Jamie's band, "Whoever Shows Up", was really good last night, and beating the 5 dollar cover for the show by three minutes was really clutch.
Thumbs Down: To Casey's, the pub where Jamie's show took place. Although the layout of the place was nice, the post-special prices were awful, one of the bartenders was giving me attitude for absolutely no reason, and after already getting overcharged, me and a friend got stuck paying for drinks that we (or anyone for that matter) did not receive.
TANGENT: Why I even go to bars anymore is a mystery. I hate the scene and I'm not trying to make new friends/find new female prospects in that atmosphere, I have no desire to get sloppy, and the prices, even with specials most of the time, are ridiculous. Last night was okay because it was to support a friend, but outside of such circumstances, count me out.
Thumbs Up: To Mrs. Val "Big V" Wright, not only for her faithful readership, but additionally for opening the blog up to a new demographic. Parent? Check. Trendsetter? Check.
Thumbs Down: To myself, for failing to drop her name in a half-dozen posts after promising her I would. Way to alienate the consumer Ry. Tisk, tisk.
Thumbs Down: To the small group who decided Friday night on DJ's deck to start the cereal draft while about 6 people who really wanted in on the event weren't present to participate...including, might I add, the people who thought up the idea to begin with.
Thumbs Up: To that same group, who realizing the error in their ways announced that it was just a mock draft, so as to avoid a war of words and cereal.
Thumbs Down: To final exams, which typically are spread out in such a way that I would have 2 weeks of school to worry about what amounts to 3-4 hours of test-taking time.
Thumbs Up: To my final exams this semester. First off, I only have 2 classes to take final exams for. Add to this the fact that I'm knocking both of those bad boys off in the respective professors' offices tomorrow afternoon, and whammy! I'm completely done school May 4th, while some students have finals as late as May 13th this year! Extremely money situation=Thumbs way up.

And, as always...
Thumbs Down: To radical liberal thinking, and
Thumbs Up: To ryforry.blogspot.com
(Editor's Note: Ryan was expelled immediately following Temple University Officials' discovery of his latest Sunday evening blog)
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