Thumbs Up: To the Tom Jones trip that Scotty and I took in the wee hours of Sunday Morning. I got a vanilla milkshake and a grilled cheese with tomato, in case you were wondering. It was worth the inane amount of driving I did and the sleep deprivation to take a trip not merely to the Diner, but to Nostalgiaville also.
Thumbs Down: To allergy season, which has reaked havoc on my nose, eyes, head, ears, name it. It's just a brutal time of year to be breathing.
Thumbs Up: Jamie's band, "Whoever Shows Up", was really good last night, and beating the 5 dollar cover for the show by three minutes was really clutch.
Thumbs Down: To Casey's, the pub where Jamie's show took place. Although the layout of the place was nice, the post-special prices were awful, one of the bartenders was giving me attitude for absolutely no reason, and after already getting overcharged, me and a friend got stuck paying for drinks that we (or anyone for that matter) did not receive.
TANGENT: Why I even go to bars anymore is a mystery. I hate the scene and I'm not trying to make new friends/find new female prospects in that atmosphere, I have no desire to get sloppy, and the prices, even with specials most of the time, are ridiculous. Last night was okay because it was to support a friend, but outside of such circumstances, count me out.
Thumbs Up: To Mrs. Val "Big V" Wright, not only for her faithful readership, but additionally for opening the blog up to a new demographic. Parent? Check. Trendsetter? Check.
Thumbs Down: To myself, for failing to drop her name in a half-dozen posts after promising her I would. Way to alienate the consumer Ry. Tisk, tisk.
Thumbs Down: To the small group who decided Friday night on DJ's deck to start the cereal draft while about 6 people who really wanted in on the event weren't present to participate...including, might I add, the people who thought up the idea to begin with.
Thumbs Up: To that same group, who realizing the error in their ways announced that it was just a mock draft, so as to avoid a war of words and cereal.
Thumbs Down: To final exams, which typically are spread out in such a way that I would have 2 weeks of school to worry about what amounts to 3-4 hours of test-taking time.
Thumbs Up: To my final exams this semester. First off, I only have 2 classes to take final exams for. Add to this the fact that I'm knocking both of those bad boys off in the respective professors' offices tomorrow afternoon, and whammy! I'm completely done school May 4th, while some students have finals as late as May 13th this year! Extremely money situation=Thumbs way up.

And, as always...
Thumbs Down: To radical liberal thinking, and
Thumbs Up: To
(Editor's Note: Ryan was expelled immediately following Temple University Officials' discovery of his latest Sunday evening blog)
1 comment:
If I may:
Thumbs down: Obnoxious people in the tech center who are talking on their phone way too loud and people who go to the tech center to talk to their friends about youtube videos and facebook.
Thumbs up: finishing your last paper as a Temple student and watching the Phillies game with Ryan The Lion Lewis tomorrow
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