I woke up yesterday morning with blurred vision in my right eye. Naturally, all my classes yesterday were in big lecture halls so I had 3 periods of guessing what was typed on the projection screen. Fantastic start to (OFFICIALLY!!) my senior year. Well at least the classes themselves don't look too bad...er, sound too bad.
This morning I arose from my craptastic bed to find that the problem had not subsided. Off to the emergency room of the Eye Hospital, which, of course, was just as packed as any other E.R. Greeeat. I call out of work, as this seemed it had become an all-day process. After having my vision checked by 2 people, my eyes poked and prodded at, and 6,000 colors of light flashed at my opticals from every direction I was finally diagnosed:
"Welp, I definitely see what you're talking about. Don't get scared when I tell you what you have, it sounds a lot worse than it is."
Wonderful, I thought to myself. I clearly have glaucoma or cataracts or an inoperable eye tumor.
"You have posterior vitreous detachment."
Ok doc, you clearly have no idea what's going on with me and are looking to your imaginary medical word dictionary to find something that a dumb bloke (I guess "bloke" is officially in my pretend-that-I'm-British dictionary) like myself, would buy. I instantly had to bite my tongue from saying, "Is that the eye boo-boo disease? Or is that you're way of telling me you're a hack who's going to hope my problem goes away before my scheduled follow-up.
But alas, it is a real condition, and a nasty sounding one at that. PVD has officially screwed my vision till further notice, and that my friends, is how I'm getting this semester rolling...
Anyways, if you're tremendously concerned with my well-being haha, feel free to check the link below. One part says that it affects 75% of people over the age of 65. I just turned 24. I guess I really am aging quicker than I thought.
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