1) GRADUATE!!! It's been a long, mostly bumpy, ride but I am 12 credits away from snagging my diploma in May.

2) I am fully resolved to take a flight out to Chicago to visit Tommy Boy, and catch a game at historic Wrigley Field. I wonder how the home fans would handle me in left field heckling their own player. And knowing what a crazy semester it will be for me, I'll be ready to cut loose big-time in the windy city. I hope I make it back alive. That should be the real resolution.
3) Mas blogos por favor! I will have more blog entries in 2010 than in any year previous. I'm projecting 150 after my 109 output in 2009. I'm 1 for 1 a day into the new year. So far so good.
4) I will have a six-pack by summer. Ok, this one's the biggest resolution cliche of them all, I know. I still have to have it in here. Is it an issue of vanity? Of course that plays a part, and anyone who works out would be a liar if they said that the mirror reflection has nothing to with it. But it's more than that.

5) Lyrics lyrics lyrics. I want to complete all my unfinished original works, write a few more, and freestyle at least 2 times with random groups of brothas. Have to get a few performances with an audience. There's zero excuse for me being even the least bit bashful about playing for a crowd. I'm a loudmouth who brings alot to the table as an artist, yet I haven't tapped my potential in this realm yet.
6) This is always a tricky one given my luck with women, but it still makes the list: I will be a man and approach/get digits of a dame that I'm digging. Yes, this opens me up to a whole lot of crazy as I've discovered in the past, but that's a necessary evil of the courtship game. This resolution has two addendum: 1) More chat initiation at places like Kohls or a coffee shop and less at night spots. 2) The father of my favorite tv character once tells him, "Life is too short to dance with the fat chick." I'd like to think that "the fat chick" for me has nothing to do with looks at all. It's about settling, wasting time with someone because it's convenient. Convenience is nice when your talking about proximity to a store with bread and milk, but not when you're talking about dating.
7) Find a home church. This may help out with #6 also, although it's tough to find a believer who isn't too "churchy" these days. That's an issue for another day and entry, but anyways...It's tough to stay grounded in Truth when you don't feel comfortable at one specific place of worship. Going to different churches on different weekends isn't easy to do. You open yourself up to not attending anywhere some weeks because there's no specific place that's part of the routine, and you feel like your in no man's land. Still, finding a home church is a fundamental aspect of growing in faith and there's no excuse for not gettin yo' Sabbath Day on...
8) Survive Desmond till June. If I have any interest in still pursuing a job in the special needs field after dealing with the 10-year-old I'm a one-on-one for the first half of 2010, it will be a miracle. As frustrating as it will be, I kind of relish the challenge. If I come out on the other end stronger and more experienced in the field, it was worth the stress along the way. Still, even the slightest sign that it's negatively impacting other areas of my life such as school and I'm going to have to pull the plug on the Dez project and find another 9-5 that won't push me to institutionalization.
9) Play one game of beer pong with V-Dub Wright. We were 1-0 in 2009, bringing our career record as a team to 1-0. I think we should play one game a year for the next few years then retire undefeated, when I'm in my late 20's and Val is in her early 40's.
I'm sure there are numerous other resolutions I haven't mentioned, but that's enough for tonight. I have to pace myself for 364 more days of 2010 and you have to start making your own resolutions instead of reading this brain lard.

Happy New Year ladies and gentlemen!
1 comment:
I have to say that #2 is my favorite! Chicago's waiting for ya buddy!
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