Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kodak Momentless

I've been in withdrawal recently, and I'm embarrassed to say that it's facebook-related. No, it's not because I miss informing people of the most mundane aspects of my life through the status bar. They have twitter for that nowadays. (I know it's early for a tangent, but for some reason I have a twitter account even though I have yet to figure out where the appeal is in "tweeting." It's a glorified facebook status site. I just don't get it) It's not because I miss receiving updates on people's relationship status, although I will say that it's hilarious seeing all the fresh male wallposts on the page of a female who recently became single. It's not even the ignorance I feel about friends' birthdays that makes me miss facebook. It's one thing, and one thing only...

I am kodak momentless.

I don't know how to get my pix fix nowadays. You could speak fifty-thousand words to me detailing a trip that you just returned from, or I could check out the 50-photo album and be just as filled in. A picture is still worth a thousand words right? I wasn't aware if that particular exchange rate was affected by the troubled economic times we're living in. Assuming it's not, I've been expending much more energy these days by my lack of picture distribution and consumption. My digital camera is collecting dust in my room and kodak moments are being missed on a daily basis. Maybe they're not being completely missed, because I still have the mental image. But how long is that going to last? Plus those are pretty difficult to show friends and family.

So here I sit, eating pickles out of a jar, blogging in sweatpants and a Flyers jersey, 49 hours removed from my last shower and probably 49 days removed from my last camera usage. It's a pathetic image. I'll go ahead and shower while you're trying to picture it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm so glad i posted pictures of val's prom for you, since you don't have facebook to stalk her. I'm sure you were dying to know what her dress looked like.