2) Saying I have not enjoyed my time at Temple would be like saying that MC Hammer made a couple small mistakes with his once-plentiful finances.
3) Saying that MC Hammer is a better artist than the complete frauds they are blasting from a loudspeaker propped on the wall of this Computer Lab would be like saying....ok you get the point. Or do you?

The point of this blog is not that MC Hammer still belongs in our daily conversation, it's that I hate Temple University. I have no pride in my school, and why should I? It'd be hard enough for me to find the will to live during the average semester at a respectable school, let alone one filled with idiots. Maybe I'm just stressed and angry right now. Or maybe I could spend the next few minutes bringing up my favorite reasons why Temple won't get a dime from me if (no, WHEN!!!) I make it big someday. I guess I'll just pick an arbitrary number and do this countdown-style. Hmm, how bout 8? Like "crazy eights"... Like 8 reasons why I am crazy for going to this piece of you-know-what institution. (Incidentally institution is a good word, cause that's where all the loonies, like myself, generally go)
7) The entire process of advising at this Penitentiary , and in general, finding someone who knows what they're talking about when you need some assistance in any aspect of the headache that is the College process.
WAIT WAIT WAIT WE HAVE A TIE FOR NUMBER 7 (And I SWEAR on my love of the Philadelphia Eagles this just happened)...we'll call it 7A. The girl sitting 5 seats away from me in this computer lab talking very audibly about how "it was too long and I was limping afterwards and lied to people and said I was walking funny cause I was tired" and also that "I lost my virginity to a guy who was right out of prison" I really couldn't make this stuff up if I tried...
You stay classy San Diego...
6) I have had numerous professors give the same grades to everyone in the class as long as they completed the assignment. This method contributes to lazy students remaining that way or getting worse, and simple annoys the living daylights out of the students who are putting in "A" level work into an assignment. Obviously, the only time this method can be used is with writing because there isn't one right way to craft an essay. Writing is my jam too, which is one reason this method is particularly aggravating to me.
5) The trigger for today's blogiful rant. I work part-time during semester at a Computer Lab, you know, the kind of place where people study during weeks like this one, midterm week. The event coordinators in the housing facility thought that in this massive building the best place to have a loud-ass dance thingamajigger was RIGHT NEXT TO THE MOST COMMONLY USED PLACE TO STUDY IN THE DAMN BUILDING!!! Great game-plan guys, just brilliant. And yes I am one of the people suffering from this tremendous, yet not unusual, oversight. 2 exams tomorrow...things like this happen way too often...
4) Marilyn Manson gave a guest lecture in a Philosophy class. We all know his extensive credentials in the field of education. It's okay though, it's not like you're going to alienate a portion of your student population whose religion has been repeatedly crapped on over the years by bringing this douchebag in. Oh wait...
3) John Street was given "Professor" status at Temple after they wrongly deemed him competent enough to "teach" this generation of TU students. This pompous ass was hired by the University? The worst Mayor in the history of the city (shoot, in the history of alot of cities) is influencing the future of the city now? Even if Street knows how the government works better than the average person, he's also 467 times more likely to go on a tangent about his own greatness than the average person. People in his class will learn, but it won't be about political science. But hey, Temple doesn't have department for courses on how to be an undeniable jerkoff, so I guess the PoliSci one had to take him in.
2) One female professor decided to grill me because I said that I thought it was immoral to sleep around without limitations. "People should be able to be in control of their sexuality" is what she said. Fine, your morals tell you that having carefree sex with whoever you choose is good, and mine don't. But don't tell me that I'm wrong because I subscribe to a set of morals that may be more conservative than yours. And in the same vein of hypocritical liberal yo-yos...drumroll for numero uno....
1) I got a terrible grade from a homosexual professor because I spoke my mind. At least with the professor in #2, my argument with her did not affect my grade. It was a Tuesday (the worst day of the week) morning, and the professor thought it was a good time for a pro-gay rant, because why not? I mean I think of gay and lesbian rights as completely intertwined with English composition, who doesn't? I calmly raised my hand and told him I thought that if society accepts homosexuality as something that is inherent from birth they would also have to accept those who felt inclined to bestiality or incestuous relations as normal also. The comment infuriated him and I got a C- in the class because every grade following the interchange between us was absurdly low given the work that was put in, and more importantly the overall quality of the writing. Don't feed me your damn agenda when it has nothing to do with class, then get angry at me for speaking my mind on the issue, while in the process putting you in your place. And don't ever give me a bad grade because you've got some unresolved personal issues. Thank you TU, stellar hiring job right there!
So there you have it. Temple U: Motivating me to achieve new heights so that one day when I get a request for a donation to the school, I can save some toilet paper and use that letter instead. On the bright side, by that point I will be far removed from excreting the nasty array of "food" that's on campus. Goodness gracious, is it that hard to get some good grubbin options at a place where people naturally consume massive amounts of food....and you were wondering where number 8 on my list was, weren't you?

please graduate soon. I will warn you...when you get your diploma don't expect anything nice...mine was delivered in the rain so its now a wrinkled peice of paper that doesn't even say what my major was.
hahaha don't worry, my expectations certainly aren't too high
It's a good feeling when you randomly google search "I hate Temple University" to see if there's anyone out there who feels the same way you do about your school... and finding this. This just made my day. :)
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