Just a few things I have to get off my chest in no particular order:
--I have very few inhibitions when it comes to dancing anymore. I am not getting less awkward as the years pass. I am a 6'4 225 pound white boy who still is not completely competent when it comes to his own body mechanics. That said, I do the funky chicken, the ghetto booty shake, and my personal favorite-the random household chore dance where i simply mimic the vacuuming move and the sweep the porch maneuver to perfection on the dance floor. I know how to work that. Speaking of "Work that", one of my guilty pleasures is dancing in my car to one of Mary J. Blige's latest singles, Work That. (The jam was in an Ipod commercial actually, so I'm sure you'd recognize it, the picture's posted below) You can't possibly not move when you hear that song....even if you're an uncoordinated, awkward cracker like myself.
--I'm really down for the idea of bringing back old expressions. A few years back, when I worked at my local pharmacy, I had a co-worker who was a miserable, yet oddly charming, old lady who ran the lottery machine. We called her "The Hag". Well anyways, Hag had a bunch of old zingers and I ate them up. My favorite was "why don't you take a long walk off a short pier". It's witty, it's vicious, it's pure awesomeness, plain and simple. That got me thinking of others. Like why don't we call certain women who fit the bill "firecrackers." I love it, and it should be brought back. (There are a million of these little old-timer sayings floating around, so keep you ear open to the elderly)
--I think one of the most nauseating things is hearing one human repeatedly give cliche advice to another. I want to make a law that says that you are only allowed to give a certain amount of cliche suggestions--a la "follow your heart"--per year, and they must be prefaced with the statement, "I know this sounds cliche, but I think it's relevant to your current predicament...INSERT CLICHE ADVICE HERE. The point is, if I'm having relationship troubles for instance, I don't want to hear someone tell me to "tell her how you feel" or something to that extent. Let's dig "deep within ourselves" (hahaha) people and find ways to build up others in a way that does not sound like a line out of a Hallmark ad.
--Now that my Ry-pod and I are coming up on our two year anniversary, I can't imagine life without it. I used to be an Ipod hater, just because it seemed like a dumb trend. Well, it definitely was a trend, but it was far from dumb. My car rides wouldn't be the same, and for that I thank you Mr.Pod.

As usual folks, thanks for wasting your time reading my nonsensical thoughts!!
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