Why does this subject come up today, of all days, you ask? Because my friend, I have embarked on one of my most arduous tasks as a writer on this day: I'm going to B.S. my way through a Physics experiment.
"But Ryan, you can't B.S. your way through a Physics experiment, you're talking about science, not history or something....that's like impossible"
"Yes it may be like impossible, but is it really impossible?"
I guess we are going to find out. See here's the thing, I could've gone through an inordinate amount of trouble to get someone's help with the assignment, then struggled through the concepts, which ultimately, I would never use again. Or I could challenge myself to do the actual tests after making a completely random hypothsis, and use whatever small edge I may have with a words to my advantage. Clearly, the latter option was far more appealing, and did not entail me awkwardly meeting someone new from the "University" I attend.
To conclude this thought, I will offer the reader a little morsel for thought consumption. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
....juuuuuuuuuuuuuust kidding haha. My advice is to leave science to the experts, Indiana Jones, Bill Nye, and Incubus.
Anyways, I have once again become as negligent with my blog as I am with my studies. I'll try to step it up again and bang out more than 1 a week. As usual thanks for checkin in.
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