...If facebook had a "life status" like it has a relationship status, mine would certainly not read "it's complicated." (Technically speaking, it wouldn't actually exist because I did away with my facebook a week ago, but that's extraneous to this post) Last week, it may have been complicated, and I suppose that there's always going to be something in one's life at any given time that's not crystal clear. Today, however, I'm starting to hit my groove with a fresh perspective after reestablishing Christ in my life. I was at a place at this same time one week ago that was the darkest I have ever encountered (I should tell you about it sometime), and I couldn't be more grateful for that time, because through it I got back on track. My faith has always been a struggle for me in the past, and professing it has been equally, if not more, difficult. Maybe that's why I'm starting off with mentioning my faith. So that I can start to break myself of my inability to stand for Truth, disregarding both circumstances and predisposition to keeping my mouth shut. I am a Christian. That is ultimately the only thing that holds any weight once I am six-feet under. If you believe in the same Savior as I do, please keep me in your prayers. And if you don't believe in him, know that even as I write this, you are in mine...
...It's refreshing to have a relationship end in a way that's not filled with anger or hatred for the other person. Break-ups can get absurdly ugly sometimes. I have seen, and been a part of, many that fit that script, and am glad that this was not one of them. The fact is, I love my ex, and wish her the best, and hope that we continue to be in each other's lives to some degree when the time is right. God has blessed her with some amazing qualities, and I continue to pray that he utilizes those qualities for his purpose...
...the Phillies season opener is 30 minutes away and I couldn't possibly be more excited for it. I can't imagine them not repeating.

...to conclude, I'm finally starting to become a man, because, well, I'm finally understanding what makes a man. But this is a subject for a whole nother blog entry. Enjoy the game tonight people. I'm going to make the same predicition I do every year. 162-0, with an 11-0 playoff run to boot. Besides, we gotta get all those people who missed the first parade to witness the 2009 one first hand, don't we?
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