-The first thing that anyone said to me in this calendar day was "thank you" at 12:04 this morning. The second thing at 12:07..."Do you know where the vomit kit is?"...needless to say, I did not
-Later in the day I heard a girl yelling at her Dad, telling him to "shut up, because you don't know what the hell you're talking about." I am absolutely shocked to hear someone talk to a parent like this, regardless of what was going on (it was, in fact, a trivial matter as one might have guessed). Shut up? To a parent? I'm not sure I would tell my parents to shut up jokingly. You better believe if my kid told me to shut up, the funds that paid for her tuition would very hastily be shut down. But that's the problem with people these days-they just don't have respect. Spankings have become child abuse in our lawsuit-happy, undisciplined culture. I have two inches and 60 pounds on my Paps, but I personally think if I said something to him like that girl said to her Dad, he would smite me down with ease, using all of his righteous "Dad anger". I wouldn't even have a chance. And I would deserve it too. Man...craziness.
-For how big a fan of my blog Jon Greenberg is, I'm kind of bothered he's not a subscriber. It sets a bad example to other people who read this propaganda and yet can't muster the strength to make a click of the mouse to subscribe. Jon, I love you, but you know as well as I do that it's times like this that you put the Booooooo in Booooooomer. What's the issue?
-My favorite punctuation mark is by faaaaaar is the ellipsis, if you haven't noticed...I love it...I use it in text messages and in blogs...heck I even think out those little groupings of dots between my different daydreams...
-I love Scrubs. I have watched seasons 1-7 approximately 68 times.

-Accents are funny. Since Temple thinks that 34% of their professors should be completely incomprehensible, they hire people who are not fluent in English for positions where it might come in handy to be such. Because of this fact, I have become awesome at getting messages through obstacles.
And while we're on the subject of people who talk differently....
-Is it possible to do an impression of a gay person through writing? *flicking wrist homosexually* "Thtop it thilly!! I soo do not thound like that! hehe"
And while we're on that subject....
-I literally put any future writing career I had in jeopardy by typing that last point. Nowadays, the homosexual community's power is getting out-of-hand. They are making moves to try and prevent people from speaking out against that lifestyle. Just speech against it. Hmm, well riddle me this...How can the same raging liberal population, that bring out first amendment rights as protection every other day, think it's not completely hypocritical to try and censor those who have differing views than them? Can't have it both ways...
Just some food for thought...but make sure to let it settle in your stomach. Apparently there's only one vomit kit, and I still have no idea where it is.
1 comment:
if it makes you feel any better, my biggest fan (and the reason i write a blog), tricia palmer doesn't even subscribe to my blog. so subscription means nothing.
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