Yup, that is a Philadelphia Eagles edition of the immensely popular infomercial blanket/sweater hybrid.
(The snuggie's owner--a girl who worked for the Eagles--and I argued jokingly that she should give it up for a couple minutes so I could try it out, which she did. This was followed by 5-10 minutes of very serious arguing about Donovan McNabb’s legitimacy as a top-tier quarterback and whether or not her argument could be hold weight, as she was an employee of the organization. As much as I enjoy the twist of arguing sports with a female who really knows her stuff, I prefer to keep my football and my romantic interests separate for the most part. Guys that I've talked to are split on this issue, but that's where I stand. Anyhow...)
I'm sure all of the players go home on brisk fall and winter nights after a hard-fought game and get into their team snuggie for awhile before hitting the hay. So naturally, I had to follow their lead and try that sucker out. I had heard as much about snuggies as the next guy, but would never buy one, so I seized my opportunity to see if it could live up to the hype.
It was pretty comfortable, a little too small on me, but not to the extent that it was physically restrictive. I'm sure they make different sizes anyway. It provided ample warmth for the brief period I was sporting it. I definitely enjoyed the movement I had in my arms, but I kept thinking to myself that it was ultimately unnecessary, and I would prefer a typical blanket any day of the week. I actually think having to leave the comfort of a blanket for a few minutes to grab a remote control or to take a leak makes you appreciate its warmth more when you return. And the transition itself between being cold to being warm is half the enjoyment of the body's temperature change.
I think the snuggie craze is emblematic of a larger idea embedded in a capitalist's mindset: If you can't think of something completely original, just tweak a classic and maybe it will become trendy enough to make you thousands. Or millions. (Not sure how much snuggies have grossed, although I am sure their inventor won't be going hungry this Thanksgiving) I'm not sure there's anything more/less wrong with this concept than any other one that involves making bank, I just think that a good amount of new crap is coming out these days that people could really do without. Then, said object becomes a trend and the self-imposed pressure to get it makes it feel like it's a necessity. Another big one for me is the internet on your phone. (RANT WARNING, I feel one coming on...) Are we really not around computers enough that we need to have internet access right in our pockets at all times. Yes, it's useful from time-to-time, but the majority of people I see with the feature could wait to get to a computer 95% of the time for whatever they're using it for at that point. Maybe there's a business aspect of this that I'm missing, I’m aware of the email aspect.

I really hope I don't become one of those old timers on my rocking chair complaining about everything current and how stuff was so much better back in the day...I think it's inevitable. Nah, I'll just write it out of my system, although there's certainly no harm in a rocking chair on a front porch. Now that's living the good life right there.
Wow, this blog went all over the place. I'm out like snuggies in 6 months...
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