Thumbs Up: To watching everyday actions performed by people in costumes. There were multiple times throughout my weekend where I was LOL’ing over something that I wouldn’t look twice at, had the people involved not been goofily dressed up. The more serious the interaction, the more ridiculous looking in costume. For example, anyone trying to bust a move while wearing a Zorro mask, hat and cape (Me) would make a complete ass out of themselves regardless of how stellar their routine was. Two guys with egos jawing at each other on the verge of a physical confrontation normally would seem either serious or stupid (depending on what the fight was over) but really, in costume, it’s just hysterical looking. Other random things made hilarious by costume include: Flirting, ordering a drink, taking a leak (I was having some cape issue in the restroom at times), waiting in a line, crossing a street, hailing a cab etc. Just priceless….

Thumbs Down: Obnoxious chodes who ruin a night out. They are everywhere, there’s no doubt about it. Still, they are far more prevalent in certain areas than in others. West Chester, for instance, is in the Macho-Douchebag-Town Hall of Fame. I think after this past weekend, I can safely add Manayunk to that list. There were no incidents that completely destroyed my time, but I got a bit nervous a few times that a situation might be looming. Whenever that personality type is around, you got to keep an eye out.
Thumbs Up: The Eagles really laid the smack down on the Giants on Sunday afternoon. They set the stage for what all of Philly hoped would be a full day of New York whuppings. Unfortunately, the Big Apple bashing only lasted for till the night came…
Thumbs Down: Some costly mistakes by the Phils to go down 3-1 in the World Series. Saturday hurt a little, but Sunday was agonizing. I’ve never received so many texts in my life that said something to the extent of, “I just feel physically sick after watching that game. This suuuuucks.”
Thumbs Down: Whenever the Sister takes trips home to visit from Happy Valley, we seem to be on completely different schedules. We’re both always ecstatic to see each other but have trouble getting substantial chill-time. We ended up knocking out a solid 3 seasons of the Office together but could not watch episodes from the other 3 together.
Thumbs Up: To our unsuccessful, yet entertaining, trip costume hunting for me. Great bro-sis time, and I ended up going with old faithful (Zorro) anyway, so it all worked out. One of the highlights of my weekend. We counsel each other through our predicaments with the opposite sex and dissect good/bad/awkward Lewis Family dynamics…of which there are many.
Thumbs Up: To the Blanch family costume party, which was pretty awesome, to no one’s surprise. They are just fun people to be around, and always deliver the goods for any seasonal get-together. I’m sure there will be pictures that I will never see due to my facebook departure, but I have no doubt they will give excellent representation of the H-Town mayhem.
Thumbs Down: To having a great weekend end on such a sour note. I know I brought them up before, but the Phightins are just killing me right now. I’m trying to keep the faith that the Phils will make it a series and somehow take this to a game 7….I’m not giving up yet. We’re on the ropes, but not out for the count…
Thumbs Up: Phils win tonight and take the series back to NY. Is it the blind optimist in me talking? Yes. But it’s also very doable. Go Phils!

Oh, and, as always...
Thumbs Down: To radical liberal thinking, and
Thumbs Up: To
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