Seeing as I'm not busy with any Valentine's Day activities, I may as well blog. While everyone is stuffing their faces with dinner, chocolates, and well, their significant other's face, I am single and relaxing at home. Am I lamenting the fact that I don't have a boo to snuggle up with on everyone's favorite Hallmark holiday? Certainly not, although I must say I am disappointed with my lack of prospects.
I like to look at people in the dating game like I look at sports. Their are players happily/unhappily on teams (people in relationships), their are free agents you look at and consider signing (single people), and their are prospects. In a sports organization, specifically in baseball, it's always important to have a stacked farm system, especially if you're depleted at the professional level, so at the very least you can look forward to possible future success. Having prospective courting options is no different. You want to have something going, even if it may take long to really materialize, if it does at all.
Being obligation free on VD is one thing, being prospectless is another. Ever here the expression, "there are plenty of fish in the sea"? Of course you have. What they don't tell you is that of all those fish you have to eliminate a huge percentage that have deal-breaking religious and moral views. And speaking of morals, you have to eliminate the population of fish that are humping every other aquatic creature in the body of water. Subtract from those the fish with daddy issues and the ones living in other seas you never meet, and suddenly it becomes very difficult to carp-e diem with the right fish. Plenty of fish in the sea? More like a select few surviving the cesspool.
Anyhow, I'm getting a little too analogy happy, time to wrap this piece up. I hope VD was everything you wanted and more, and thank you for letting me share mine with you.
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