51) Big ups to the Sister for driving a crew to the reunion from Robbie's pad on Saturday. Big ups also to Scott for having a poop on Saturday that changed the course of the night. The dump prevented him from making it to Rob's to catch a ride out with my Sis, which then forced him to drive to the reunion, making it possible for us to stay later and leave with him instead of taking the earlier ride back with the Sis.
52) Ned (New Edgy DJ), Dan Lacey's alter-ego, provided some of the most entertaining moments of the week. If you know him though, you've certainly come to expect that by now.

53) No, I will not go into detail about #52. That's confidential information.
54) Missed encounter of the week: Kirsten and I were driving out to meet up with the parental units and a couple church friends to see "Blindside" but were blindsided by the news that the movie sold out. We were at Marple 10 in Springfield, and decided the best move would be to drive home. Just as we were getting back to the city, I got a text from one half of my favorite sibling 1-2 punch. Liz informed me that her and the elusive V-Dub were hanging out in Springfield and were down with company. I couldn't imagine the chaos that would have ensued had the 4 of us had the chance to meet up. Liz and I are a combined 12 years of age max around our sisters, who are also goofy, but far more mature than us when we're around them. If you read this V-Dub, I am majorly disappointed we didn't rendezvous and hope to be a part of your Christmas schedule.
55) Speaking of sisters and just missing something....One of my favorite Jim-Pam moments of all time on The Office happens in a season 5 episode entitled "Stress Relief" when Pam's parents are having marital troubles. My Sis adores the Jim-Pam plot. We started the episode together, got interrupted for dinner, and never finished. Very sad.
56) Had some potent anti-virus software put on my IBM Thinkpad last year. Probably one of the more time-saving, problem-avoiding move I can remember making in a long time. While we're on the subject, my computer is better than your computer and it's not even close.
57) I wish that more people had blogs they kept up with consistently. I would settle for a once a week update on people's lives, thoughts and all that jazz. If people consolidated all the useless bits of information they put in their facebook status into one fluid blog entry, I would check it weekly.
58) My H-Town buddy Kyle "Ky-Ky" Ramplin just started getting into "The Wire" AKA the best show ever created. Yeeeeeeeeea Booooooooooooooooooooiiiiii!!!

59) Astonishing fact of the break...Total trips to Philly Flavors made: 0
60) Still baffled that the "Flavors" in Philly Flavors is spelled with an "F" and not a "Ph"
61) My Dad has a theory about Dunkin Donuts that they intentionally keep their coffee at scalding temperatures, and that the temps of a cup of joe elsewhere are more reasonable. We heard about this little nugget on Thanksgiving Day and truth be told, I'm still not sure exactly what to do with it.
62) This season of Dexter has not let down. What a money show...
63) I met a Chihuahua with 2 names, only one of which I can remember now (Mimi). This dog, owned by my French Aunt-in-Law's Mother, had more personality than I would normally expect for that breed. I enjoyed its company as I watched the football games at the G-Mom's house on Thanksgiving.
64) I miss having a dog around the house, but the Lewis fam is too busy to take care of a pet full time. Animals are just a step away from babies in the responsibility department.
65) Wendy's french fries are the worst of any fast food chain.
66) Wendy's Frosty, however, may be the best ikeem product a fast food place has to offer.
67) The weird thing about Thanksgiving is that besides a few family meals, most meals are on the go. You're catching up with different people, spending days shopping or driving, and spending nights who knows where. Besides the big turkey dinner and another meal or two with family, I was fending for myself.
68) My sleep schedule has been bad all year, and I can only imagine the break will make it worse.
69) Sleep schedules are annoying in general. I want to sleep when it's convenient not when my body tells me to.
70) This is the last Thanksgiving break I will have as a student. It's always a great break because you know that when you go back to school, you have one violently busy span and then you're totally done for the semester. I can smell the Christmas cookies from here...
71) I'm gonna be in the market for some new kicks sometime soon. The only sneaks I've rocked in 2009 have been Sambas. Great, but it'd be nice to have a compliment or 2 to them.

72) atdhe.net changed my life. Any sporting event for this kid living in a cable-less household. Thank you DJ!
73) Even if the Eagles makes the playoffs, they're going to get steam-rolled by whoever they play in the second round. Still, just get there Birds, and we'll cross that bridge when it comes.
74) I tried to brainstorm some book ideas over break to no avail. I got a couple of good collaborative ideas but I need a project I can craft when I have time to myself.
75) Three quarters of the way finished! I think this idea sounded better before I realized that "100" of anything is a healthy amount. But that's why I'm going to finish this post, to symbolize a good amount of writing I've done in 2009. I'm running (typing) on fumes at this point, zombie-eyed and not sure whether anyone who reads this will be able to make sense of it. haha, word...
76) I miss the Phillies.
77) When does it get cold nowadays? January? February? Does it get legitimately deathly-freezing-cold more than a few weeks a year anymore?
78) The Broad Street Tavern should have stayed a jazz bar like it originally was intended to be. We stopped by there on Thanksgiving Eve and it was all trend, no substance.
79) My Grandma's hubby is a great guy, really just a nice individual. Sometimes with the old-timers however, you don't know what will set them off. They're like ticking time bombs. The hear or see something that rubs them the wrong way and they're flipping out. It actually makes holidays more exciting as far as I'm concerned. Add to that the fact that there's absolutely no filter between brain and mouth and you've got yourself a recipe for an interesting family gathering.
80) Few things in this world kick me in the gut more than hearing that a cop got killed in cold blood. So you can imagine how I felt when I heard about the situation with the 4 officers in Washington state that got gunned down. Just awful. What does it take to make an individual do that.
81) Breezy noticed that Cadillac commercials always have really good background music in them and has been looking up the artists and songs and putting them on his Ipod. Very good call. Commercials, especially car ones, often sneak really good tunes behind their ad pitches. I'm now hyper aware of this when I got the tube on.
82) Man I'm dying to freestyle. I know people are sick of hearing me say it, and I know the next time I do it in public I'll probably end up looking like the biggest white boy ever, but goodness I've been listening to nothing but Jay-Z for the last week. This cracka is ready to spit.
83) Speaking of looking like the biggest white boy ever, post-reunion late night dance off at Roberto's was a pretty darn hilarious portion of the break.

84) I'm actually surprised people weren't dancing at the reunion itself now that I think about it. Just a plethora of very interesting pool games going on. Pool tables are incredibly clutch to have at reunions. I feel like they're a natural ice breaker for people who aren't quite the best at making small talk. Maybe I'm overthinking this, maybe not...
85) My go-to look recently has been the collared shirt under the long-sleeve one. I really think wearing my glasses with that ensemble will complete the look, but have yet to try it out. I usually only bust out the glasses around bedtime cause I see better in the C-lenses.
86) Jake informed me that you can get Black Friday discounts online. That's news to this guy. Doesn't that kind of defeat the whole purpose, or at least the appeal of it? Speaking of which...
87) My sister and Mom go shopping a lot together...I would venture to say that Karen and Kirsten are to shopping what me and my Paps are to reading/writing/loafing around the house: consummate pros.
88) I don't know why I didn't blog more over this break. I could've snuck a few in somewhere along the line. Bah, guess I'm making up for it now with this 2-part monster.
89) This one is a hair on the personal side, but we're getting towards the sentimental portion of this piece, not to mention almost anyone who would read this would understand my situation, probably because I've talked about it with them personally....Anyways...I think there is a twisted satisfaction when an ex-significant other wronged you and, after realizing what you meant to them, they want to have you back in their life. The problem is that deep down there's no satisfaction for me anymore, I just feel like a big jerk for some reason...I would never be on the side of people who say you shouldn't be in a serious relationship till you're engaged/married, but I think I could at least see where they were coming from.
90) Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year and from this point to #100 I'll get all gushy about things relating to this time of year that I haven't tackled already in points 1-89.
91) I love my fam. Couldn't be more thankful for them. It takes a special group of people to handle the zaniness that is Ryan Lewis, and they've mastered the art. Over the years I've really seen how much they each bring to the table and how blessed I am to have them around.
92) Football, football, football, football, football, breathing, football.
93) I love the fall. Probably gets the nod for my favorite season slightly edging out summer. Springs amazing too. Eh, I love em all truthfully. But a beautiful fall day is always a terrific compliment to being off from work and school.
94) Foooooooooooood! Food! Food! I am an eater. Thursday was the culmination of a week of big-time grubbing. Yum.

95) I always forget how lucky I am to have the most incredible neighbors. I wrote in Part 1 about my neighbor across the street who passed away over break. Since I've lived in one house my entire life, I just assume most people are crazy about their neighbors, when in actuality, alot of people's neighbors drive them crazy. Mine are the best and it's always tough to see one of the Woodstock Street Fam change residences or pass away.
96) Death transitions well into religion. As I always say, despite whatever struggles I have with faith and however uncomfortable I feel talking about my personal walk with all but a few individuals, I still feel blessed beyond measure just to know Truth.
97) I've been realizing recently what a crossroads I'm coming to in my life. Yes, I can be overly dramatic at times about certain issues, but I think when you're talking about a short span of years that will shape the entire rest of your life, I don't think it's possible to be too outspoken. I have had a Christianity blog I need to write for awhile now, and hope that the words will come to me. I think as awkward as some may feel reading it, I'd be foolish not to utilize this forum to my advantage. Maybe I'll ruffle some feathers. Maybe no one will care at all. But it is in the works.
98) I could go on in an emotional essay of sorts about how much my homies and homettes mean to me, but I'll just sum them all up with my favorite 50 cent quote, "I love ya like a fat kid love cake"
99) I'm thankful for your readership, and for suffering through 99 irrelevant facts spewed from my brain.
100) I am thankful this blog is over, I didn't realize how long it would take.

Man vs. 100. Man wins.
1 comment:
for some reason i led myself to believe that i had written more blog entries this year than you...but i was so wrong. i'm only at 80.
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