- How long have people referred to Wednesday as hump-day for? I'm dead serious when I say that I originally thought that the term was coined by college students who were attempting to appoint Wednesday as a day of promiscuity. Speaking of college and taking someone for a ride...
- This college textbook thing is utterly ridiculous. And I bring it up for two reasons. Firstly, I think the whole process is getting worse. Secondly, I can't believe I didn't capitalize financially on the flaws in the system in any of my 632 years at Temple. I should have made a living off this while in college. Alas, it's too late now, and my last few semesters haven't been bad at all book-wise anyway. Most professors are aware that Liberal Arts majors are going to be making annually what half of one of those giant textbooks cost for one semester of use. All those big money majors require the book to complete the work, and the books cost an arm and a leg. Then again, the big money major people graduate and make and arm, a leg, a head, and the entire rest of the body.
- I have to give Briggsy a shout-out for renewing her vows with blogging. I saw her comment on Liz's blog and wondered if she was back in the game. Not only had she written on back-to-back days, but there was a name drop for me. I was pumped, although I'm taking it slow with the whole situation. See Briggsy's blog is like 94.1 WYSP on my car radio's presets. I'll check it on a reg, but it usually has nothing on (nothing written). I'll start losing hope and checking far less frequently, and right when I'm about to take it off my presets for good (off my list of blogs to check) it delivers a stellar song (blog entry) and temporarily restores my faith in it. What to do, what to do...
- I am obsessed with nicknames and aliases, I really don't know when this happened. I'm guessing circa 2001, but it may have been earlier. Some people dig it (they should), some people think it's weird as heck (they should), but either way I have to face the truth about it. I think it's because I'm hood, and a lot of people go by something else down here. But if my estimation is correct, the nickname craze started around the time I began attending Delaware County Cracker Christian School. I do know, however, that Havertown crew nurtured this tendency within me. Dennis actually changes peoples names so often in his phonebook that he forgets what he called them last, thus temporarily losing their digits. I find this absolutely hilarious.
- I don't want to be a broken record about this, so it will be the last time I bring it up on my blog for at least 2 weeks, but man am I thrilled to have made the fantasy playoffs. Anyone who knows anything about fantasy football would look at this situation and say I was one lucky duck to make the cut. On a dork scale of 1-10 with 1 being G-Love and 10 being my Uncle, well...let's just say that you'd be able to tell that we were related on your nerd-o-meter. I am guaranteeing a first round exit for team "Ned needs a Cig" because I'm talking about it so much. It's bound to happen...
- I'm on a hot-streak this week. Just in the zone. I pounded out one of the most difficult assignments I've had in my academic career. Following that, the last paragraph happened to me. Then I busted out what should be my strongest speech of the semester and as of 8:30ish in the PM tomorrow, I'll be done the bane of my existence, Public Speaking Class. It's still a mystery to me why the class was so painful for me. I'm a big mouth, plain and simple. I'll talk to anyone, at any time, eating any flavor of ikeem I so choose. And I don't care what the weather's like, it's never too cold for ikeem.
Coming soon...hopefully...

Me blog-gushing over Jim and Pam.
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