One of the greatest decisions I made in 2009 was getting into the hit NBC series the Office. The show is excessively entertaining, to the point that I would prefer watching reruns of it to having contact with other human beings, unless of course they're watching it with me.

From as early as the first episode we are thrown into the daily interactions of Jim and Pam at the office. Their connection is evident, but Pam is locked down in a serious relationship already with a loser named Roy, and we see that Pam's personality isn't the risk-taking, follow-your-heart type. Jim watches as she goes through the motions with this other guy, while slowly dying inside as he becomes resigned to their relationship being one of friendship and not romance. Painfully, we trudge through the second season with him until eventually in the finale he drops the bomb on Pam that he loves her. Anyhow, they're married now, so you know the story's got a happy ending and I can spare going through a chronology of every single event pertaining to their relationship. That's not the point of me writing this anyway, because you should already know that stuff since the Office is awesome and you should be watching it...
Jim and Pam's romance is so subtly beautiful, so out of the spotlight. They make each other laugh consistently, and mesh very well to form one comedic unit when doing a joint scene. When they have "a moment" it's simple, yet engaging. They fight infrequently, and only really battle it out when it concerns an issue of importance. (NOTE: I think there's a misconception that couples need to fight alot and that it's a natural thing. This couldn't be further from the truth from my personal encounters with legit love. Every couple has their disputes for sure, but the good ones have fewer because they resolve issues and since they are well suited for each other they don't have any issues that get so big that they become deal-breakers. Just my personal experience)Krasinski and Fischer play the parts superbly, nailing every emotion that one might feel while in the courtship process with their future spouse. The actors are so spot on, in fact, that you feel like they must have this relationship with each other in real life. I'm definitely a sucker, but I was shocked to find out that Krasinski and Fischer were both engaged to other people in the real world. The whole back-and-forth between the two just feels like realistic love, not the over-manufactured kind you normally get out of the entertainment industry.
The Halpert-Beesly connection may actually be more accurately classified as a phenomenon of sorts. A television romance that seems loving and healthy is one thing. A television romance that seems completely believable?

Okay, now that I've covered the Halperts as a couple I should probably mention why if Jim hadn't married Pam I certainly would have. As far as personality, I dig the whole soft spoken, sweetheart vibe. Pam fits that to a tee. She's a loyal dame who knows a good thing when she sees it, and unlike a large portion of the female population, will break things off with a loser. It seems that the majority of girls these days would rather bitch about their jerk boyfriends than actually give the time of day to a genuinely good guy. Pam ditched the jerk, and went with the winner. In the looks department: She's never too flashy around the office, just dresses pretty modestly and sports her natural good looks. Total cutie. She pulls off the rare "stunning but unaware of it" thing, a diamond in the office rough if you will.
I have to admit though, as lovely as the two are, they aren't flawless. I have to be honest about the situation. In a perfect world, Pam would've made the move to Jim, and ditched Roy sooner. Also, Pam and Jim wouldn't have a kid before they were married. Still, my perception the relationship in untarnished. The positive aspects clearly outweigh the negative ones, but I did feel it necessary to state both.
Now that I've sufficiently embarrassed myself by making the little Office-fantasy-world I live in public knowledge, I shall conclude. For the record, my future wife will make Pam look like a sorority girl by comparison. And I don't condone obsessing over make believe people, but every once in a while, make believe does make some sense. Exhibit A: The Jim-Pam Connection.
You are correct sir, that was poorly worded. My bad homie
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